Permanent Four-Way Stop in Pettaway!

Look what resulted from a fast action, low cost demonstration to slow traffic and make it safer for pedestrians in the neighborhood. Big thank you to Little Rock’s Public Works Department for the permanent sign and crosswalk!

The $100M EPA Grant and What It Means for Little Rock

Is driving a car a choice? Or is it your only option? Introducing Week Without Driving, an advocacy campaign to help learn more about how our city is designed, and what needs to change for it to be truly accessible to all.

Introducing Week Without Driving

Is driving a car a choice? Or is it your only option? Introducing Week Without Driving, an advocacy campaign to help learn more about how our city is designed, and what needs to change for it to be truly accessible to all.

Active Transportation Project Pipeline

Last week, Bicycle Advocacy for Central Arkansas (BACA) had Jon Honeywell, Little Rock’s Director of Public Works, as their special guest. Below are some updates on city projects that will make it easier and safer to get around the city.

Celebrate Trails Day! Little Rock Advocacy Tools

Trails are wonderful off-road connectors that enable people to walk, bike, and roll safely. They also protect natural areas from development, offer carbon storage, and reduce heat island effect. Learn how to support more trails in Little Rock by plugging into these initiatives.

A Happy City Values Everyone’s Experience

First Urbanist Book Club sessions were focused on the book Happy City by Charles Montgomery. “By spending resources and designing cities in a way that values everyone’s experience, life can get easier and more pleasant for everyone.”

More Ideas for the Love Your Block Grant

Do you want $1500 to make something in your neighborhood better? If you haven’t yet, connect with your neighborhood association! They may already have an idea that they are moving forward that you can get involved in. But you might be surprised that your idea is it. If there isn’t a proposal being considered, here are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

Launch of the Pedal Party – Season 3!

Picture this: It’s Monday evening and there are joyful people of all ages, wearing different styles of clothing, with bikes, scooters, bike-trailers covered in colorful lights.