Our Vision

To enable a more livable Little Rock for all.

Our Mission

To build a network of residents who have stronger community connections, a deeper understanding of people-oriented places, and the tools to shape their neighborhoods to be safe, resilient, and joyful.

Our Values

Our Little Rock is made up of leaders, facilitators, and livability advocates from across the city. In our work, we are guided by the following values: 


We share responsibility to understand & care for the city’s social, environmental, and economic resources. We hold ourselves and others accountable.

Growth Mindset

We remain curious, adapt as we learn and are exposed to new perspectives and ideas. We don’t let perfection stand in the way of taking that first step.


We meet people where they are. We aim to reach and engage across to the far corners of Little Rock, so that it is truly a place we can all share with dignity.

Empathetic Communication

We understand that this is a long game and relationships are everything. We strive to communicate with integrity, transparency and kindness.

Productive Discourse

We aim to take the collective knowledge and experiences of Little Rock residents to create something new. We do this through civility, rationality, problem-solving, and without ego.

Theory of Change

A more livable Little Rock depends on residents who:

We want to shape the development of Little Rock into a vibrant and inclusive city because:

  1. We love cities that care about people. 
  2. Little Rock is our home.

Priority Areas & Goals

A recipe for a more people-oriented city include the following ingredients:

Enhanced Civic Engagement

through dialogue across lived experiences and perspectives.

Equitable Mobility

options that allow people of all abilities and income-levels to safely walk, bike, and roll.

Productive Land-Use

that promotes more walkable neighborhoods with housing options for all stages of life.

In three years, we aim to help enable:

Shift Little Rock’s urban development narrative and priorities to be more people-centered by engaging at least 5% of Little Rock’s population.

Encourage and enable safe, convenient, and viable transportation options beyond the single-user private vehicle.

*Currently 11% of Little Rock commuters walk, bike, transit, or carpool.

Unlock barriers for infill developers so we can have residents accomplish more errands on foot.

*Little Rock’s current walk score is 33/100.

Our Affiliations

Our organization is actively engaged with the following initiatives to strengthen the quality of our work & contribute to shared best practices:


Chloe Chapman

Executive Director

Michael Tyree

Finance Officer

Happy Hour Consulting

Rachel Cotner

Board President

America Walks

Chris Woodward

Board Treasurer

The Little Rock 

Pedestrian Show

Tyler Nagle

Board Secretary

Alzheimer’s Arkansas

Patricia Fry

Board Member

AARP Arkansas

Nicole Chandler

Board Member

Community Schools,

Chicot Elementary

Joan Diehl

Board Member

Age-Friendly Little

Rock Commission