Support Our Work

Help power an organization dedicated to civic education and advocacy to make Little Rock a more livable for all. This includes things like safer streets for pedestrians and bicyclists, transit a more viable option, more productive land-use, thriving public spaces, and right-sized housing where we need it!  

Become a Member

Join a peer-learning network dedicated to shaping a more people-oriented Little Rock. Membership dues enable us to offer the following at no to low cost: 

  • Weekly e-newsletters to an audience interested in taking an active role in Little Rock land-use and transportation.
  • Monthly facilitated community conversations that identify and move forward incremental actions.
  • Monthly hours of action that will creatively bring people together and take small steps to creating a place we enjoy spending time. 

Member benefits include 10% discount on Our Little Rock merchandise, access to Our Little Rock’s online community server, early access to the locally-hosted, in-person Strong Towns Local-Motive Tour, and deep discounts for ticketed Our Little Rock events.


Support our general operating fund. Help Our Little Rock empower residents to participate in shaping the routes and destinations of our city. We are a nonprofit on a mission to strengthen civic engagement for people-oriented places through education, advocacy, and resources. 


Many hands make light(er) work. Together we can make Little Rock a more vibrant and resilient place. Let’s have a conversation. We also are seeking community partners for our upcoming Q3 & Q4 2024 programs. Learn more via our sponsorship packet here.


Throughout the year, Our Little Rock hosts events, meetings, and hands-on activities. If you are interested in volunteering your time with us, please let us know. We’ll reach out to you whenever we have an event or activity that needs a few extra hands. 

Our Little Rock is a 501c3. This means your donations to our organization are tax-deductible and will 100% go towards driving our mission forward.