Dangerous Downtown Streets

Want a more vibrant Downtown? Let’s start with safer streets.

Little Rock’s street design throughout our city is very unsafe for people who walk, bike, and roll. You can see exactly which intersections and corridors need to be addressed on Metroplan’s High Injury Network map.

Armed with this information, the city has taken steps to approve a Vision Zero policy and apply for a Safe Streets for All grant to address Little Rock’s most dangerous areas that were identified in the Central Arkansas Safety Action Plan.

But in the meantime, people are still getting seriously, seriously hurt and risking their lives as they move through our city. Little Rock has moved up to the 10th most dangerous metro area for pedestrians.

More urgent action needs to be taken to address the streets we know to be unsafe.

Some of you might already know someone who has been hit or has been close to being hit by a car. We need to talk about this more for it to be prioritized and seriously addressed. Share these stories with city officials. Report these incidents — even close calls — to Public Works.

We recently had someone we know get hit by a car commuting home on his bike and it has us shook. His name is Ian, and he is a young guy in his 20s who just moved to Downtown Little Rock from Fayetteville. He was hit by a car last week when riding home, and is currently still in the ICU awaiting several surgeries. His good friend and neighbor has set up a GoFundMe campaign to support him during his road to recovery. Donate if you can and help us spread the word by sharing the link below.